Neuro Science    




Human Nature

Hhuman Nature is a set of common traits or characteristics observed among all humans. These traits include emotions, social behaviors, communication skills, problem-solving abilities, and cognitive capacities. While these traits may vary in degree or expression among individuals, they are generally present in all human beings and contribute to our shared human experience.

It is hard to clearly define "Human Nature" in short and clear way. As I always do in this case, let's peek into a few dictionaries and see how day define the term.

  • psychological and social qualities that characterize humankind, especially in contrast with other living things. -
  • the natural ways of behaving that most people share, the behavior and feelings common to most people - Cambridge Dictionary
  • Natural qualities and ways of behaviour that most people have.- Collins

Followings are the topics that I personally have had for long time that will be discussed in this note :

NOTE : Since this is about neuroscience, I am going to try to focus on the association of Human nature and Neuroscience, but there will be many cases where the description would go a little bit off from the area of neuroscience since this is a huge and fundamental topics that has very long historical background.

What forms Human nature as we have ?

What made ourselves have the nature as we have as of now ? Actually, this has been my personal questions for long time and I think I will keep asking myself forever. What I am going to talk in this section is not the only and definite answers. I take this as a kind of brain storming. I just want to make list of whatever may influence on formation of my own nature.

Human nature is special because of our unique qualities. Even though we are born weak, we can learn and change a lot. We are shaped by our genes and our surroundings. We have many emotions, strong friendships, and are good at talking and asking questions. We are also good at solving problems, knowing right from wrong, understanding ourselves, and enjoying beautiful things. We can bounce back from hard times and adapt to new situations. All of this helps create different cultures and ways of living, showing how amazing humans can be.

Followings are list of factors that are considered to influence on formation of human nature and this list may get longer and longer.

  • Born as incomplete : Humans are born incomplete, weak, and vulnerable compared to other animal species.
  • Capability of Learning and adaptability : Human nature is characterized by our capacity for learning and adaptability.
  • Shaped by environment : Our ability to be shaped by our environment (nurture) is a fundamental aspect of our nature.
  • Neuroplasticity : Neuroplasticity, the brain's ability to change and adapt, is a key feature of human nature.
  • Nature and Nurture : Human nature is influenced by both genetic factors (nature) and environmental factors (nurture).
  • Brain flexibility and adaptability : The human brain has evolved for flexibility and adaptability to various situations and environments.
  • Social creatures: Humans have a strong need for social connections, forming bonds, and cooperating with others.
  • Emotional beings: Humans experience a wide range of emotions, which play a significant role in decision-making, relationships, and overall well-being.
  • Communication: Language and communication are central aspects of human nature, allowing for the exchange of ideas, thoughts, and feelings.
  • Curiosity and exploration: Humans have an innate desire to explore, learn, and understand the world around them.
  • Problem-solving: Humans are natural problem-solvers, capable of using critical thinking, creativity, and innovation to overcome challenges.
  • Morality and ethics: Humans have a sense of morality, ethics, and values that guide their behavior and decision-making.
  • Cultural diversity: Human societies develop diverse cultures, beliefs, and traditions that shape their identities and ways of life.
  • Self-awareness and consciousness: Humans possess self-awareness and consciousness, enabling introspection, self-evaluation, and the ability to think about abstract concepts.
  • Art and aesthetics: Humans have a unique appreciation for art, beauty, and aesthetics, engaging in creative activities for self-expression and enjoyment.
  • Resilience and adaptation: Humans can demonstrate remarkable resilience and adaptability in the face of adversity, change, and hardship.

NOTE :  Are all these factors unique to human being only ?  I don't think so. Based on wide range of research on animal behavior (especially researches on primates), it is considered most of the factors listed above is observed in other animal species. I think the differences between human nature and the nature of other species, especially primates, can often be a matter of degree

Are we born Good, Bad or White Paper ?

I think this would be a question we would get whenever we start talking about human nature and probably be among the questions that has been there for human history. Of course, there hasn't been any single and clear cut answers which everyone would agree. But I think most of people would agree that there are roughly three different views on this.  In this section, I want to collect some background information about the three different views and summarize them in my own way.

What does this mean ? Traditional view.

  • Born bad (Original Sin): Some people think we're born with a natural tendency to do bad things because of a story from Christianity. We need help and guidance to be better.
  • Born good (Noble Savage): This idea says we're born naturally good and pure. It's society that makes us do bad things. If we lived more naturally, our goodness would show.
  • Blank slate (Tabula Rasa): This theory says we're born with no built-in ideas of good or bad. Our experiences and the world around us shape who we become. This means learning and growing up are important for deciding what's right and wrong.

Any scientific background for each of the theories ?

  • Born bad (Original Sin): Science shows that people have some natural behaviors that might be seen as selfish or mean, like competing for things or wanting a partner. This helps us survive, but it doesn't mean we're all bad. Instead, it means that our actions come from a mix of what we're born with and what happens around us.
    • For example, In a competition for limited resources, people may act selfishly to ensure their own survival, like hoarding food during a shortage. This behavior might be seen as bad, but it's part of our natural instincts to protect ourselves. However, humans can also learn to be more compassionate and cooperative through positive experiences and teachings.
  • Born good (Noble Savage): Some studies say that babies and little kids like to help, share, and understand other people's feelings. This might mean that people are born with a natural ability to be good and kind. But other studies show that kids can also be mean or selfish, so it's not clear if people are really born good.
    • For example, Babies as young as a few months old have been shown to prefer characters who are helpful rather than harmful, suggesting an innate sense of morality. For example, a baby might reach for a puppet that helped another puppet rather than one that pushed another away. However, this doesn't mean that humans are purely good, as we can still develop negative behaviors based on our environment and experiences.
  • Blank slate (Tabula Rasa): Lots of research in different fields shows that both our genes (nature) and what happens to us (nurture) are important for who we become. We might have some natural behaviors, but what we experience and where we live make a big difference too. This idea is kind of like the tabula rasa theory because it says that what happens around us is very important for our human nature.
    • For example, A child raised in a loving, supportive family might grow up to be kind and empathetic because of the positive environment they experienced. On the other hand, a child who grew up in a hostile environment might develop aggressive or antisocial behaviors as a result of their upbringing. In both cases, the individual's nature is shaped by the combination of their genetics and the environment they were exposed to.

Any neurological background for each of the theories ?

  • Born bad (Original Sin): Basically, our brain has a part called the limbic system which helps us react to danger, like when we need to fight or run away. The amygdala, a part of this system, controls emotions like fear and aggression. So, we might have evolved to sometimes act "badly" when faced with threats or fighting for stuff we need. Followings some imaginary examples supporting this theory
    • someone might get aggressive to protect their family from a dangerous situation.
    • Imagine there's a person named Alex who lives in a rough neighborhood. One day, Alex sees a stranger getting too close to their younger sibling, and it looks suspicious. Alex's amygdala kicks in, making them feel afraid and aggressive. They quickly step in and confront the stranger, acting "badly" in order to protect their sibling. In this case, Alex's aggressive behavior comes from their brain's built-in response to a potential threat.
  • Born good (Noble Savage): Our brain has special cells called "mirror neurons" that help us understand and feel what others are going through. Also, we have this thing called oxytocin, or the "love hormone," which helps us bond with others and feel empathy. These features show that we're naturally able to get along well with others and form good relationships.  Followings some imaginary examples supporting this theory
    • when we see someone crying, we might feel sad too and want to help them feel better.
    • Let's say there's a person named Sam who notices their friend, Pat, looking upset. As Sam watches Pat's facial expressions and body language, their mirror neurons help them understand that Pat is feeling sad. At the same time, oxytocin plays a role in strengthening the bond between Sam and Pat, making Sam feel more empathetic. So, Sam decides to give Pat a hug and offer a listening ear, showing their natural ability to connect with and care for others.
  • Blank slate (Tabula Rasa): Our brain is super flexible and can change based on our experiences and surroundings. This is called neuroplasticity. Our brain connections can grow stronger or weaker, and we can even form new pathways or get rid of old ones. Both our genes and our experiences shape our brain, so it's a mix of nature and nurture. Followings some imaginary examples supporting this theory
    • Imagine there are two kids, Chris and Jordan, who grow up in different environments. Chris is raised in a loving and supportive family, while Jordan experiences a harsh and abusive upbringing. As they grow up, their brains adapt to their environments through neuroplasticity. Chris develops strong connections related to trust, empathy, and cooperation, making them more likely to exhibit prosocial behavior. On the other hand, Jordan's brain forms connections related to mistrust, aggression, and self-preservation. Their behavior is shaped by both their genetic factors and their experiences. In this case, the concept of a blank slate (Tabula Rasa) shows that human nature is influenced by a combination of nature and nurture, as both Chris and Jordan develop different traits and behaviors based on their individual circumstances.

What is the nature of Human Aggression ?

First of all. What is agression ?  I think you all know what it is... but just in a little bit of formal description, but just a little bit in formal way it can be defined as follows :

    Aggression is a type of human behavior that can hurt or harm another person. It can be physical, like hitting or pushing, or it can be verbal, like yelling or saying mean things. Aggression can also be emotional or social, like making someone feel bad on purpose or not letting them be part of a group. People may show aggression when they are angry, frustrated, or trying to control a situation.

Does this behavior / emotion changes throughout the life ?

Aggression in human growth can be understood as a mix of body, mind, and social elements that change at different ages. Putting it in very simple way, you can say that the aggression is shown much often and explicit in eary ages (e.g, earlier than 3 years old) and it would get mitigated or shown in more indirect and sophisticated way as we ages. It can be summarized as follows :

  • Newborns and Babies (0-1 year): At this stage, aggression is rare, as babies have limited physical and thinking abilities. However, they may show frustration or discomfort by crying or being restless.
  • Toddlers (1-3 years): As toddlers begin to explore, they may start showing early aggression, like hitting, biting, or pushing. This can come from frustration, wanting attention, or copying others. It is important for caregivers to set limits and teach good behavior at this stage.
  • Preschoolers (3-5 years): Aggression in preschoolers may continue as they learn more social and thinking skills. They may use aggression to show control or express bad feelings. At this age, children can understand and follow rules, so consistent discipline and showing good behavior can help reduce aggression.
  • School-age Children (6-12 years): When children start school, they learn more social skills and can better control their emotions. Aggression may change to verbal or relational aggression, like teasing, excluding, or spreading rumors. Teaching empathy, how to solve conflicts, and good social behavior is important during this stage.
  • Teenagers (13-18 years): Aggression in teenagers can be influenced by hormone changes, pressure from friends, and the desire for independence. Teenagers may show physical or verbal aggression, as well as hidden aggression, like cyberbullying. Encouraging open conversation, setting clear rules, and helping them feel good about themselves can help reduce aggressive behavior.
  • Adults (18+ years): In adulthood, aggression can show in different ways, like verbal, physical, or passive-aggressive behavior. Things that can cause adult aggression include stress, mental health problems, using drugs or alcohol, or problems from childhood. Therapy, anger management, or other help may be useful in dealing with aggression at this stage.

Is there any Neurobiological mechanism for Aggression  ?

Now let's explore the neurobiological mechanisms behind aggression. We'll discuss how different brain areas and processes contribute to aggressive behavior, and examine the factors that influence these neural pathways. Understanding these mechanisms can offer insights into the prevention and management of aggression.

I found a very nicely sumarized illustration shown below : I strongly recommend you to take a look into Neurobiology of Aggression and Violence if you are interested in details.

Image Source : Neurobiology of Aggression and Violence

I think you can read the process directly from the illustration itself, but just verbalizing the illustration. this is overall description.

First, something makes a person feel upset or angry. Then, the brain gets information about the situation from the senses (like seeing or hearing). Next, the brain thinks about the situation and decides if it is dangerous or needs a response. Some parts of the brain help control or stop aggressive behavior, while others make it happen.

Many things can affect how the brain deals with aggression. For example, drugs, alcohol, or changes in the body can make it hard for the brain to understand what is happening. Problems with hearing or seeing can also affect this understanding. How a person sees someone who is aggressive can be influenced by their culture or friends. Bad experiences in the past can make a person more likely to act aggressively. Problems with thinking, like being paranoid or believing in false ideas, can change how a person sees a situation.

Knowing how these parts of the brain and factors work together can help us understand why aggression happens and how to stop it or control it.

Further details of neural pathway behind aggressive behavior can be best summarized in the following single illustration from Scientific America(The Roots of Human Aggression). I don't think I need to put any written explanation here.. you can just read through the illustration or refer to the original article.

Image Source :  The Roots of Human Aggression

Why we evolved two conflicting traits : Aggression and Control of Aggression ?

As I study things as explained above, I got a question poping up in my mind

It seems aggression is a trait (characteristics) that have been evolved throughout the human evolution (probably same as other animals)

It seems true that controlling the aggression is also important and those controlling mechanism has been evolved at the same time.

Why ? Why we have evolved these conflicting traits ?

Human evolution is a complex process shaped by many factors, such as environment, social relationships, and survival needs. The development of both aggression and ways to control aggression can be understood as part of this process. Humans have developed both aggressive behavior and ways to control it because of the complex relationship between survival, reproduction, and living together in groups. The balance between these two behaviors has been influenced by many factors, such as environment, social relationships, and individual needs.

  • Aggression for survival: Aggression has several uses that help humans survive and reproduce. For example, it helps people compete for resources, show power, protect their home, and defend their children. In a tough environment, aggression can be helpful to make sure one's genes survive.
  • Controlling aggression for group living: As human societies became more complicated, it was important to develop ways to control aggression. Too much aggression could break down society, making it hard for people to work together and succeed. Humans developed different ways to control aggression, such as understanding others' feelings, thinking about right and wrong, and following social rules.
  • Finding balance between aggression and control: Evolution does not create perfect solutions but chooses traits that balance different needs. For aggression and its control, humans have different behaviors and thoughts that allow them to be aggressive when needed and control it when not needed. This balance is important for keeping society stable and people healthy.
  • Culture and environment effects: It is important to remember that how much people show aggression and how they control it can be very different in different cultures and environments. This is because these traits are influenced by a mix of genes, environment, and culture.

Is there any animal research showing that  lack of controlling aggression cause obvious disadvantage ?

there are several animal studies that show a lack of controlling aggression can lead to disadvantages for the individuals involved. When animals are overly aggressive and unable to control their aggression, it can negatively impact their survival and reproductive success. These examples demonstrate that a lack of controlling aggression can lead to disadvantages in animal populations. The ability to control aggression and engage in cooperative behaviors can be essential for survival and reproductive success in many species.

  • Social animals and group dynamics: In many animals that live in groups, like wolves, meerkats, and monkeys, working together is important for survival. Being too aggressive can cause fights and make the aggressive animal leave the group. This can make it harder for them to find food, mates, and protection, which can hurt their chances to survive and have babies.
  • Energy costs and injuries:  Being aggressive can use a lot of energy and lead to injuries. Animals that are too aggressive may get hurt more often, which can make it harder for them to find food, have babies, or escape from danger. Also, using too much energy for aggression can make them less healthy and less able to have babies.
  • Mate selection: In some animals, females may not want to mate with very aggressive males because they might not be good partners or could be dangerous to the babies. For example, female birds may avoid aggressive male birds because they might break eggs or hurt baby birds.
  • Parental care:  Some animals take very good care of their babies. If a parent is too aggressive, they may not give their babies the care they need, which can hurt the babies' chances to survive and grow.

Is aggression always instant and explosive ? - Reactive aggression vs Proactive aggression 

When we talk about aggression, most of us would have some image of aggression being instantenous response to a certain provokation and the response coming out explosively. But this is not the only type of aggression. There is other type of aggression that does not come out instantly and would not look like an aggression at the first glance. This kind of aggression goes unnoticed behind scene, but eventually comes out in various different form, sometimes result in more dangerous form. These two types of aggression are often called as Reactive aggression and Proactive aggression.

Reactive and proactive aggression are two types of aggressive behavior with different reasons and purposes.Both reactive and proactive aggression have developed to help individuals deal with social and environmental challenges. However, these types of aggression can cause problems when they happen too often, too strongly, or when they disturb getting along with others and personal well-being. Knowing the differences between reactive and proactive aggression can help find ways to manage and reduce aggressive behavior in individuals and groups.

Reactive aggression: Reactive aggression, also called impulsive or emotional aggression, happens when someone reacts to a threat or problem. It is caused by an outside event, like an attack or a difficult situation, and is driven by emotions like fear, anger, or frustration. Reactive aggression can be seen as a way to protect oneself or others. In animals, reactive aggression can happen when they feel threatened, trapped, or in pain.

Proactive aggression: Proactive aggression, also called instrumental or goal-oriented aggression, is planned behavior to reach a specific goal. This type of aggression is not caused by emotions or frustration but by wanting to get something, like power, control, or resources. Proactive aggression is used to get what someone wants, and they may think about the possible benefits and risks before acting.

Reactive Aggression

Proactive Aggression

Also called impulsive or emotional aggression

Also called instrumental or goal-oriented aggression

Occurs in response to a perceived threat or provocation

Planned and deliberate behavior to achieve a specific goal

Driven by emotions like fear, anger, or frustration

Driven by the desire to obtain something, like power, control, or resources

Usually a defensive behavior to protect oneself or others

Often used as a means to an end, considering potential benefits and risks

Nature vs. Nurture ?  The Battle for Dominance in Shaping Human Behavior

The age-old question of "nature vs. nurture" seeks to unravel the mystery of what truly defines us as human beings. Are we primarily products of our genetic inheritance, with predetermined traits and behaviors encoded in our DNA? Or are we shaped by our environment, molded by experiences, upbringing, and the cultures we inhabit? This debate has captivated philosophers, scientists, and thinkers for centuries, and the answer, as it turns out, is far from simple.

The Case for Nature

The case for nature argues that our genetic inheritance forms the foundation of who we are.  Encoded within our DNA is a blueprint that influences not only our physical traits but also our predispositions, temperament, and even certain aspects of our personality. This genetic legacy, passed down through generations, acts as a guiding force in shaping our development and behavior.

  • Genetic Blueprint: Our genes, inherited from our parents, provide a fundamental blueprint for our physical characteristics, from eye color and height to susceptibility to certain diseases. These genes also play a role in influencing our temperament, predispositions, and even some aspects of our personality.
  • Twin Studies: Research on identical twins raised apart has revealed striking similarities in their personalities, preferences, and even life choices, suggesting a strong genetic influence on behavior.
  • Innate Abilities: Certain talents and aptitudes, such as musical or mathematical abilities, may have a genetic basis, manifesting early in life.

The Case for Nurture

The case for nurture emphasizes the profound impact of our environment in shaping who we become. From the moment we are born, the world around us – our family, friends, education, and cultural experiences – molds our thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors. These external influences, especially during our formative years, play a pivotal role in determining our emotional well-being, social skills, worldview, and ultimately, our unique identity.

  • Environmental Molding: Our environment, including our family, peers, education, and societal norms, profoundly impacts our development. Early childhood experiences, in particular, can shape our emotional well-being, social skills, and worldview.
  • Cultural Influence: The culture we grow up in dictates our values, beliefs, and behaviors. Different cultures have distinct norms and expectations, leading to variations in how people express emotions, interact with others, and perceive the world.
  • Learned Behaviors: Many of our behaviors, from language acquisition to social etiquette, are learned through observation, imitation, and reinforcement from our environment.

The Interplay of Nature and Nurture

The reality is that nature and nurture are not opposing forces but rather intertwined threads that weave the intricate tapestry of human behavior.

  • Gene-Environment Interaction: Our genes interact with our environment in complex ways. Certain genes may be expressed or silenced depending on environmental factors. For example, a genetic predisposition to anxiety may only manifest in a stressful environment.
  • Epigenetics: Emerging research in epigenetics shows that environmental experiences can alter the way genes are expressed, potentially influencing traits and even passing down these modifications to future generations.
  • Plasticity: The human brain is incredibly adaptable. Throughout our lives, experiences can reshape neural connections, leading to changes in behavior, learning, and even personality.

The Ongoing Debate

While the nature vs. nurture debate continues, the consensus among scientists is that both play significant roles in shaping who we are. It's not a matter of one or the other but rather a complex interplay of genetic predispositions and environmental influences. Understanding this interplay is crucial for fields like psychology, education, and medicine, as it allows for more personalized interventions and treatments.

The human experience is a fascinating blend of inherited traits and learned behaviors. By recognizing the intricate dance between nature and nurture, we gain a deeper appreciation for the complexity of human behavior and the endless possibilities for growth and change.

Altruism or Selfishness ?  The Driving Forces Behind Human Actions

Human behavior is a fascinating tapestry woven with threads of both altruism and selfishness. We are capable of extraordinary acts of kindness, compassion, and selflessness, yet we can also succumb to greed, self-interest, and even cruelty. What drives us to act in these seemingly contradictory ways? The answer lies in a complex interplay of biological, psychological, and social factors that shape our motivations and choices.

The Roots of Altruism

The roots of altruism are deeply intertwined with our biology, our capacity for empathy, and the social structures we inhabit. Evolutionary theory suggests that helping others, particularly those within our social circles, may have evolved as a strategy to ensure the survival and propagation of our shared genes. Our innate ability to empathize with the emotions and experiences of others also plays a crucial role in driving altruistic behavior. Additionally, societal norms and the concept of reciprocity reinforce the importance of helping those in need, creating a social contract that encourages acts of kindness.

  • Biological Basis: Evolutionary biologists suggest that altruistic behavior may have evolved to promote the survival of our genes. By helping our relatives and those within our social groups, we increase the chances of their survival and, by extension, the propagation of our shared genetic heritage.
  • Empathy and Compassion: Our ability to empathize with others, to feel their pain and joy as if they were our own, is a powerful motivator for altruistic actions. We are more likely to help those we feel a connection with, whether through shared experiences, shared values, or simply a shared sense of humanity.
  • Social Norms and Reciprocity: Many cultures value altruism and encourage acts of kindness through social norms and expectations. We are often taught to help others in need, with the understanding that we may one day need their help in return. This concept of reciprocity reinforces altruistic behavior as a social contract.

The Lure of Selfishness

The lure of selfishness stems from a primal instinct for self-preservation and a desire to thrive in a competitive world. This deep-seated urge can manifest as a focus on accumulating resources, pursuing personal gain, or striving for social status and recognition. In many instances, selfish behavior can be seen as a strategy for survival, ensuring our own needs are met even at the expense of others. Furthermore, cognitive biases and the pursuit of individual goals can reinforce selfish tendencies, leading us to prioritize our own well-being over the collective good.

  • Survival Instinct: At our core, we are driven by a fundamental instinct to survive and thrive. Selfish behavior, such as hoarding resources or prioritizing our own needs, can be seen as a manifestation of this instinctual drive.
  • Competition and Status: In many societies, competition for resources and social status can fuel selfish behavior. We may strive to outperform others, accumulate wealth, or gain recognition, even at the expense of others.
  • Cognitive Biases: Our brains are prone to cognitive biases that can lead to selfish decision-making. For example, the "self-serving bias" causes us to attribute our successes to internal factors (like our own abilities) while blaming our failures on external factors (like bad luck).

The Dynamic Interplay

The dynamic interplay between altruism and selfishness reveals the complex nature of human motivation. Our actions are rarely driven by a single, unwavering force, but rather by a nuanced blend of both selflessness and self-interest. This interplay is constantly shifting, influenced by a multitude of factors.

Situational context plays a significant role, as we may act more altruistically when surrounded by others or when faced with a dire need. Conversely, we may prioritize our own needs in competitive environments or when resources are scarce.

Individual differences also come into play, as our personality traits, values, and beliefs shape our inclination towards either altruism or selfishness. Some individuals naturally possess a heightened sense of empathy and compassion, while others may be more focused on personal gain.

Moreover, cultural values and norms significantly influence our behavior. Some cultures emphasize communal well-being and encourage acts of kindness, while others prioritize individual achievement and competition.

Understanding the dynamic interplay between these forces allows us to recognize the complexity of human motivation and make more conscious choices in our own lives. By acknowledging the potential for both altruism and selfishness within us, we can strive to cultivate empathy, make ethical decisions, and contribute to a more compassionate and equitable society.

  • Situational Factors: The presence of others, the perceived severity of a need, and the social context can all influence whether we act altruistically or selfishly. We may be more likely to help someone in a public setting, where our actions are visible to others, than in a private setting.
  • Individual Differences: Our personality traits, values, and beliefs also play a role. Some individuals are naturally more empathetic and compassionate, while others may be more driven by self-interest.
  • Cultural Influence: Different cultures may emphasize altruism or selfishness to varying degrees. Some cultures prioritize communal well-being, while others may place a higher value on individual achievement and competition.

Understanding Ourselves

By understanding the complex motivations behind our actions, we can gain valuable insights into our own behavior and the behavior of others. This knowledge can help us cultivate empathy, make more conscious choices, and create a more compassionate and equitable world. Whether we lean towards altruism or selfishness, recognizing the interplay of these forces within us is the first step towards self-awareness and personal growth.

Unmasking Human Nature: What Can the Prisoner's Experiment Teach Us ?

Prison Experiment is an experiment conducted by psychologist Philip Zimbardo in 1971. This experiment provides several insights into human nature, particularly in terms of power dynamics, conformity, and situational factors. This Experiment has been criticized for methodological issues and various other reasons. Despite this, the insights gained from the study continue to be relevant to discussions of human nature, particularly in relation to power dynamics, conformity, and the influence of situational factors.

How the experiment was done ?

Some scientists (e.g,Philip Zimbardo) wanted to see how people behave in a prison setting. He chose 24 college students and randomly assigned them to be either "guards" or "prisoners." The experiment took place in a fake prison set up in the basement of a Stanford University building.

The guards were given uniforms and sunglasses to hide their eyes, while the prisoners wore simple clothes and stocking caps. The guards were told to keep order but not to use physical violence. The prisoners were supposed to follow the rules set by the guards.

The experiment was planned to last two weeks, but it had to be stopped after only six days because things got out of control. The guards became abusive, and the prisoners started showing signs of stress and emotional breakdown. The study showed that people can quickly change their behavior based on the roles they are given and the environment they are in. However, it is important to note that the experiment has been criticized for some issues in the way it was conducted.

What does it tell about Human Nature ?

  • Power dynamics: The experiment showed that people can quickly take on and misuse power. The "guards" started acting mean and bossy, while the "prisoners" became weak and depended on the guards. This means that power can change people's behavior for the worse.
  • Conformity and role-playing: Even though the participants knew it was just an experiment, they quickly acted like their assigned roles. This shows that social roles have a strong effect on how people behave and that they follow what is expected of them in those roles.
  • Situational factors: The experiment proved that the situation people are in can strongly affect their behavior. The environment and conditions were more important than their individual personalities. This tells us that what happens around us can change how we act.
  • Deindividuation: The guards losing their personal identity and feeling anonymous might have led to their mean behavior. This idea, called deindividuation, makes people act differently because they feel less responsible for their actions.

