USIM Parameters
EF_ACC : ACC stands for Access Control Class. The access control class is a parameter to control the access attempts. 15 classes are split into 10 classes randomly allocated to normal subscribers and 5 classes allocated to specific high priority users. When UE sees any Access Control settings from Network (e.g, ac-Barring setting in SIB message), UE refer to this UICC parameter to figure out which Class it belongs. Refer to 31.102 4.2.15 EFACC for the detailed data format)
EF_ECC : ECC stands for Emergency Call Codes. This field contains the list of Emergency Call Codes. the emergency call code is of a variable length with a maximum length of 6 digits. Each emergency call code is coded on three bytes, with each digit within the code being coded on four bits as shown below. If a code of less than 6 digits is chosen, then the unused nibbles shall be set to 'F'( Refer to 31.102 4.2.21 EFECC for the detailed data format)
EF_EHPLMN : EHPLMN stands for Equivalent HPLMN (Home PLMN). It contains the list of PLMNs which can be regarded as a Home PLMN. The items are listed in order of decreasing priority, meaning that the first PLMN in the list has the highest priority and the last item has the lowest priority. (Refer to 31.102 4.2.84 EFEHPLMN for the detailed data format, refer to 23.122 for the determination of the priority in cell selection)
EF_HPLMNwAcT : PLMNwACT stands for 'HPLMN with Access Technology'. Basically there is where your HPLMN and list of avaiable Access Technologies are stored. This parameter contains the list of (PLMN, Access Technology) pairs. These PLMNs are listed in decreasing order of priority, meaning the first PLMN has the highest priority.(Refer to 31.102 4.2.54 EFHPLMNwAcT for the detailed data format, refer to 23.122 for the determination of the priority in cell selection).
EF_PLMNwACT: PLMNwACT stands for 'User Controlled PLMN with Access Technology'. This parameter contains the list of (PLMN, Access Technology) pairs. This information is determined by the user and defines the preferred PLMNs of the user in priority order. These PLMNs are listed in decreasing order of priority, meaning the first PLMN has the highest priority. This parameter plays important roles to determine which PLMN should be selected first under various cell selection, reselection test. (Refer to 31.102 4.2.5 EFPLMNwAcT for the detailed data format, refer to 23.122 for the determination of the priority in cell selection)
EF_OPLMNwACT : OPLMNwACT stands for Operator controlled PLMN selector with Access Technology. This parameter is set by Network Operator. This is where Network operator put another networks which has roaming agreenment with. This parameter contains the list of (PLMN, Access Technology) pairs. These PLMNs are listed in decreasing order of priority, meaning the first PLMN has the highest priority. (Refer to 31.102 4.2.53 EFOPLMNwACT for the detailed data format, refer to 23.122 for the determination of the priority in cell selection)
EF_HPPLMN: OPLMNwACT stands for "Higher Priority PLMN search period" (Be careful. This is a Timer value, not a PLMN) This parameter specifies the interval of time between searches for a higher priority PLMN (Refer to 31.102 4.2.6 EFHPPLMN for the detailed data format)
One typical example for this parameter is as follows i) UE is registered to a VPLMN cell. (It means that UE is not registered to cell with the highest priority) ii) Now UE is in Idle mode. iii) Since UE is not in connection to the highest priority cells, UE periodically search for the higher priority cell. Now the question is how often UE search for the higher priority cells. This is determined by EF_HPPLMN. The basic periodicity is 6 min and EF_HPPLMN specifies the multiples of the 6 min. For example, if EF_HPPLMN = 2, UE searchs for the higher priority cells every 12 mins (2 x 6 min). How about if EF_HPPLMN = 0. In this case, UE never searches the higher priority cells.
EF_LOCI: LOCI stands for 'Location Information'. This field is the one that stores TMSI value. When the domain preference is set to be CS Only or CS + PS, UE gets RPLMN from this field.
This field stores following informations.
One thing you have to notice here is the 'location update status'. This part indicate one of the following status.
(Refer to 31.102 4.2.17 EFLOCI (Location Information) for the detailed data format)
EF_PSLOCI : This field is the one that stores P-TMSI When the domain preference is set to be PS only, UE gets RPLMN from this field.
EF_LRPLMNSI : LRPLMNSI means 'Last Registered PLMN Selection Indication.
(Refer to 31.102 4.2.86 EFLRPLMNSI (Last RPLMN Selection Indication) for the detailed data format)
EF_EPSNSC : This field contains EPS NAS Security Context Information. K_ASME(Access Security Management Entity) is master key derived from CK/IK and used to derive subsequent Keys. (Refer to PDCP Integrity Process section for Key Relations). This is a LTE specific field.
EF_EPSLOCI : This field contains EPS location information such as GUTI(Globally Unique Temporary Identifier), Last visited TAI (Tracking Area Identity), EPS Update Status. This is a LTE specific field.
EF_CBMI : CBMI stands for Cell Broadcast Message identifier selection. This EF contains the Message Identifier Parameters which specify the type of content of the cell broadcast messages that the subscriber wishes the UE to accept. Any number of CB Message Identifier Parameters may be stored in the USIM. No order of priority is applicable. (Refer to 31.102 4.2.14 for the detailed data format)