




Python - ChatGPT API




API Test


API test method is describe here. But the comman in the page is in linux command format. I just converted the linux command to Windows Powershell command. I used chatGPT for the conversion.

This command may change as time goes on. then check out the original openAI page and convert the command in the page to Windows Powershell command.



Making Request


Windows Powershell Command (NOTE : Copy and Paste your API key in the place of YOUR_API_KEY)

$response = Invoke-RestMethod `

    -Uri "" `

    -Method Post `

    -Headers @{"Content-Type"="application/json";"Authorization"="Bearer YOUR_API_KEY"} `

    -Body (ConvertTo-Json @{


        messages=@(@{role="user";content="Say this is a test!"});




$response | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10



    "id":  "chatcmpl-7AZWPNthPqQHYsdwuUCOSStmzFG96",

    "object":  "chat.completion",

    "created":  1682754181,

    "model":  "gpt-3.5-turbo-0301",

    "usage":  {

                  "prompt_tokens":  14,

                  "completion_tokens":  5,

                  "total_tokens":  19


    "choices":  [


                        "message":  {

                                        "role":  "assistant",

                                        "content":  "This is a test!"


                        "finish_reason":  "stop",

                        "index":  0






List Models


Windows Powershell Command (NOTE : Copy and Paste your API key in the place of YOUR_API_KEY)

$response = Invoke-RestMethod `

    -Uri "" `

    -Method Get `

    -Headers @{"Authorization"="Bearer YOUR_API_KEY"}


$response | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10

Result  (NOTE : This is only the first two of the result. You would have much longer list when you try it)


    "object":  "list",

    "data":  [


                     "id":  "babbage",

                     "object":  "model",

                     "created":  1649358449,

                     "owned_by":  "openai",

                     "permission":  [


                                            "id":  "modelperm-49FUp5v084tBB49tC4z8LPH5",

                                            "object":  "model_permission",

                                            "created":  1669085501,

                                            "allow_create_engine":  false,

                                            "allow_sampling":  true,

                                            "allow_logprobs":  true,

                                            "allow_search_indices":  false,

                                            "allow_view":  true,

                                            "allow_fine_tuning":  false,

                                            "organization":  "*",

                                            "group":  null,

                                            "is_blocking":  false



                     "root":  "babbage",

                     "parent":  null



                     "id":  "davinci",

                     "object":  "model",

                     "created":  1649359874,

                     "owned_by":  "openai",

                     "permission":  [


                                            "id":  "modelperm-U6ZwlyAd0LyMk4rcMdz33Yc3",

                                            "object":  "model_permission",

                                            "created":  1669066355,

                                            "allow_create_engine":  false,

                                            "allow_sampling":  true,

                                            "allow_logprobs":  true,

                                            "allow_search_indices":  false,

                                            "allow_view":  true,

                                            "allow_fine_tuning":  false,

                                            "organization":  "*",

                                            "group":  null,

                                            "is_blocking":  false



                     "root":  "davinci",

                     "parent":  null






Model : text-davinci-003


This code is to use requests, BeautifulSoup, and openai library to fetch, process, and summarize text from a given URL. Following is what this program does :

    a. Get the URL from the user.

    b. Extract text from the URL using extract_text_from_url(url).

    c. Split the text into chunks if needed using split_text(full_text, max_tokens).

    d. Summarize the text using OpenAI API by calling summarize_text(chunks).

    e. Print the summary.

This example requre following modules to be installed.

  • pip install requests
  • pip install beautifulsoup4
  • pip install openai

import requests

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

import openai

import math


# Set your OpenAI API key

openai.api_key = "YOUR_API_KEY"


# Function to extract text from a URL

# The extract_text_from_url(url) function is a Python function that takes a single argument, url, which represents

# the URL of a web page. The purpose of this function is to fetch the HTML content of the provided URL, parse it,

# and extract all the text within the paragraph (<p>) tags. The function performs the

#  following steps:


# 1. Use the requests.get(url) method to fetch the HTML content of the provided URL. The fetched content is

#     stored in the response variable.

# 2. Create a BeautifulSoup object called soup by passing the fetched HTML content (response.text) and the

#     parser type ('html.parser') as arguments to the BeautifulSoup constructor.

# 3. Find all the paragraph (<p>) tags in the parsed HTML using the soup.find_all('p') method. The result is a list of

#     paragraph elements stored in the paragraphs variable.

# 4. Iterate through the paragraphs list and extract the text content of each paragraph element using the

#     p.get_text() method. Join the extracted texts with a  space separator using ' '.join([p.get_text() for p in

#     paragraphs]), resulting in a single string containing all the extracted text.

# 5. Return the extracted text as the output of the function.


def extract_text_from_url(url):

    response = requests.get(url)

    soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser')

    paragraphs = soup.find_all('p')

    text = ' '.join([p.get_text() for p in paragraphs])

    return text



# Function to split text into chunks of max 4096 tokens

# The split_text(text, max_tokens) function is a Python function that takes two arguments: text, which is a string

# containing the input text, and max_tokens, which is an integer representing the maximum number of tokens

# allowed per chunk. The purpose of this function is to split the input text into smaller chunks, ensuring that each

# chunk has no more tokens than the specified max_tokens.


# The function performs the following steps:

# 1. Split the input text into words using the text.split() method. The result is a list of words stored in the words

#     variable.

# 2. Calculate the number of chunks needed to divide the text by dividing the total number of words (len(words))

#     by the max_tokens and then rounding up using math.ceil(). The result is stored in the num_chunks variable.

# 3. Initialize an empty list named chunks to store the generated text chunks.

# 4. Iterate through the range of num_chunks using a for loop with the index variable i. For each iteration:

#    a. Calculate the start and end indices of the words to be included in the current chunk using

#        start = i * max_tokens and end = (i + 1) * max_tokens, respectively.

#    b. Create a chunk by joining the words in the specified range using ' '.join(words[start:end]). This results in a

#        string containing the words from the start index to the end index (excluding the end index).

#    c. Append the created chunk to the chunks list.

# 5. After the loop, return the chunks list containing the split text as the output of the function.


# NOTE : This is not exactly implemented as I intended. At the time of writing this note (Apr 28, 2023), open GPT 3.5

# API was open to public it has the limit of max token length of 4092. My intention of writing this function were :

#       i) split the whole text extracted from the url into chunks with the size of 4092 tokens

#       ii) let the model memorize each of the chunks sparately

#       iii) then let the model to write summary for the whole / consolidated chunks

#  I did this step manually with chatGPT and it seems working as expected.

#  But this didn't work as I wanted with API. I had two major issues regarding this

#       a) GPT model handles the prompt in the unit of tokens and the token is a little different from words.

#           It is difficult to figure out the number of tokens out of the contents of a url. I tried to use tokenizer

#           library but it didn't work well. Seems like the usage of tokenizer changes often.

#       b) The API based model does not have capaility of just memorizing the prompt.

#   I think there might be ways to handle this issue since there is some services to summarize long contents like

#   chatPDF, but I didn't find right solution myself and didn't spend much time for this.


def split_text(text, max_tokens):

    words = text.split()

    num_chunks = math.ceil(len(words) / max_tokens)

    chunks = []


    for i in range(num_chunks):

        start = i * max_tokens

        end = (i + 1) * max_tokens

        chunk = ' '.join(words[start:end])



    return chunks


# Function to summarize the text using OpenAI API

# The summarize_text(chunks) function is a Python function that takes one argument, chunks, which is a list of text

# chunks. The purpose of this function

# is to summarize each chunk of text using the OpenAI API and return a single summarized string. The function

# performs the following steps:


# 1. Initialize an empty list named summaries to store the summaries of each chunk.

# 2. Iterate through the chunks list using a for loop with the variable chunk. For each iteration:

#    a. Call the openai.Completion.create() method with the following parameters:

#       engine: Set to "text-davinci-003" to use the specified OpenAI engine for generating the summary.

#       prompt: Construct the prompt by concatenating "Please summarize the following text: " with the current

#                  chunk.

#       temperature: Set to 0.5 to control the randomness of the output text.

#       max_tokens: Set to 500 to limit the length of the generated summary.

#       top_p: Set to 1 to sample from the entire probability distribution.

#       frequency_penalty: Set to 0 to not penalize frequent words.

#       presence_penalty: Set to 0 to not penalize new tokens based on the presence of similar tokens.

#    b. Store the API response in the response variable.

#    c. Extract the generated summary text from the response by accessing response.choices[0].text and using

#        the strip() method to remove any leading or trailing whitespace. Store the summary in the summary variable.

#    d. Append the summary to the summaries list.

# 3. After the loop, join the summaries in the summaries list with a space separator using ' '.join(summaries)

#     to create a single summarized string.

# 4. Return the single summarized string as the output of the function.


def summarize_text(chunks):

    summaries = []

    for chunk in chunks:

        response = openai.Completion.create(


            prompt=f"Please summarize the following text: {chunk}",







        summary = response.choices[0].text.strip()



    return ' '.join(summaries)


def main():

    # Get the URL from the user

    url = input("Enter the URL to fetch text and summarize: ")


    # Extract text from the URL

    full_text = extract_text_from_url(url)


    # Split the text into chunks if needed

    max_tokens = 4096 - 150  # Account for the completion tokens

    chunks = split_text(full_text, max_tokens)


    # Summarize the text using OpenAI API

    summary = summarize_text(chunks)





if __name__ == "__main__":




